BC’s Hub for Building Decarbonization
The Zero Emissions Building Exchange supports the BC building industry and public sector to reduce operational and embodied emissions from new and existing buildings of all sizes.

ZEBx Need-To-Know
ZEBx, in conjunction with the rest of ZEIC’s Building Decarbonization Team, supports the BC building industry and public sector staff as they work to reduce operational and embodied emissions from both new and existing buildings and from both Part 9 (small) and Part 3 (large) buildings.
We identify and address gaps in understanding and/or support across the industry (e.g., integrating more discussion about whole-life carbon, resilience, etc.), and seek to more effectively synthesize, communicate, and distribute the great work happening across the province to a broader audience
We seek to achieve this through our roles as:
- The first point of contact for those not already explicitly interested in electrification, reducing embodied emissions, or accelerating building retrofits to help them or their organizations navigate the complex world of building decarbonization and most productively contribute to it.
- The main platform for distributing, sharing, and amplifying resources for ZEIC’s Building Decarbonization team. We produce capacity-building resources such as publications, podcasts, videos, webinars and in-person events.
- The primary convenor of industry to host discussions that overlap specialist areas, identify synergies and co-benefits, and to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions. We build a community of practice through our events, by reinforcing and connecting networks, and through our outreach and engagement work.