The BC Retrofit Accelerator will kick-start climate and energy upgrades in hundreds of larger buildings across British Columbia.

Across British Columbia, low-carbon, electric buildings are taking off, providing benefits for owners, tenants, and the province.

By timing cost-effective climate and energy upgrades with regular building renewals, property owners and managers can deliver healthier and more comfortable homes and workplaces while taking climate action.

How Does it Work?

The BCRA provides expert advice and support services to strata councils and the owners and managers of larger commercial and residential properties—including rental, non-market, and off-reserve Indigenous housing.

This coaching includes support navigating all stages of a retrofit project: such as identifying technology and financing options and support through procurement and implementation.



Apply to relevant program stream


Co-create decarbonization plan


Receive coaching to develop first project


Implement project with support 

BCRA programs will help participants access available rebates and financing, but the initiative does not provide direct capital project funding.

The BCRA support aligns and connects with BC Hydro programs, such as the recently launched MURB Retrofit Program in partnership with the Province, Solar & Battery Program, and other offers to support multi-family buildings.

Get Started

The BCRA consists of four program streams led by industry organizations. Interested building owners and managers—including strata councils—are invited to learn more or enroll through a relevant program stream:

What are the benefits of the BC Retrofit Accelerator?

By timing cost-effective energy and climate improvements with routine property upgrades, owners and managers can deliver healthier and more comfortable homes and workplaces while supporting GHG reductions.

For building owners and managers

•  Better, more marketable property: upgrades enable health and comfort benefits for occupants and energy savings.

•  Manage regulatory risk: ensure compliance with existing and emerging building GHG reduction regulations.

•  Better planning: create a holistic plan aligning capital renewals with climate, comfort, and community objectives.

For building occupants 

•  Better health: building envelope improvements can help reduce traffic noise, air drafts, or moisture and mould problems.

•  More comfort: electrifying heating systems allows for the addition of cooling, helping to manage temperatures year-round

For the region and province

•  Reduced GHG emissions: in support of climate targets.

•  Accelerate market transformation reduce barriers to efficient, resilient, and low- and zero-emissions buildings.

•  Build industry capacity: support industry development, develop tools and standards, and advance data, research, tools, and standards.

What kinds of technologies could be implemented?

These example technologies could be implemented in commercial, rental, or strata buildings, enabling a shift towards electrification and 100% renewable energy.

Heat Pumps

A heat pump transfers heat from the air, ground, or water to heat or cool a building, providing both space heating and cooling. Up to 3x more efficient than electric baseboards or natural gas systems.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters replace natural gas-based systems, but are highly energy efficient, non-emitting, and have fewer maintenance requirements.

Distributed Renewable Energy

These include solar photovoltaic systems allowing for on-site electricity generation, supporting heating, cooling, and EV charging.

Program Benefits

By timing cost-effective energy and climate improvements with regular building renewals property upgrades, owners and managers can deliver healthier and more comfortable homes and workplaces. At the same time, the BC Retrofit Accelerator, working with public, non-profit, and private partners, will support a retrofit market transformation and help build industry capacity.

For Building Owners and Managers

•  Better, more marketable property: upgrades enable health and comfort benefits for occupants and energy savings.

•  Manage regulatory risk: ensure compliance with existing and emerging building GHG reduction regulations.

•  Better planning: create a holistic plan aligning capital renewals with climate, comfort, and community objectives.

For Building Occupants 

•  Better health: building envelope improvements can help reduce traffic noise, air drafts, or moisture and mould problems.

•  More comfort: electrifying heating systems allow for the addition of cooling, helping to manage temperatures year-round.

For the Province and Country

•  Reduced GHG emissions: Buildings are responsible for about 25% of all GHGs in Metro Vancouver and 8% in BC.  Shifting to low-carbon, electric buildings will support the achievement of climate targets.

•  Accelerate market transformation reduce barriers to efficient, resilient, and low- and zero-emissions buildings.

•  Build industry capacity: support industry development, develop tools and standards, and advance data, research, tools, and standards.

What Are the Technologies?

These are examples of technologies that could be implemented in larger commercial or residential buildings.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps transfer heat from the air, ground, or water, with one piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling. Up to 3x more efficient than electric baseboards or natural gas systems.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters replace natural gas-based systems, but are highly energy efficient, non-emitting, and have fewer maintenance requirements.

Distributed Renewable Energy

These include solar photovoltaic systems allowing for on-site electricity generation, supporting heating, cooling, and EV charging.

Deep Energy Retrofit Approach

The BCRA supports "deep energy retrofits"—upgrading multiple building systems to achieve a minimum 50 per cent reduction in energy use and 80-100 per cent reduction in GHG emissions.

Our approach relies on the “zero over time” model. This means relying on trigger points, such as major building system replacements, to implement energy efficiency measures, renewable energy systems, or new features, such as cooling. Over time, these strategic improvements can support the achievement of a zero emissions building.

The BC Retrofit Accelerator Team

Darla Simpson

Senior Manager, BC Retrofit Accelerator

Stephan Baeuml

Technical Manager, BC Retrofit Accelerator

Valerie Sanguinetti

Program Assistant, BC Retrofit Accelerator

Karthik Subramaniam

Strata Advisor, BC Retrofit Accelerator

Jack Christy

Strata Advisor, BC Retrofit Accelerator



•  Natural Resources Canada

•  Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation

•  Metro Vancouver

•  Zero Emissions Innovation Centre

 Advisory and Research Partners

•  BC Hydro 

•  City of Kamloops 

•  City of Richmond 

•  City of Surrey 

•  City of Vancouver 

•  City of Victoria 

•  District of Saanich   

•  Metro Vancouver 

•  University of Victoria's Energy In Cities group 

See the other ZEIC programs